308CC SID807 1.6HDI

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308CC SID807 1.6HDI

Postby MaverickB » Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:16 pm

Hello @ all,
i have a 308CC 1.6 HDI 2009 with Injector Error. I want to try a used ECU from 5008 1.6HDI (Numbers are the same).

I know i have to clone the Data so i make Backup from my Orig. ECU with Ktag and want to write it to the 5008.

Backup the Orig 308 whats sucessfull without any errors.
Than i want to Backup the 5008 Ecu but get Checksum Error at the End of Reading. Than i tryed to read the 3 Files one by one and find out that the problem ist reading the Flash.

So i try to write the Sucessfully read 308CC files to the 5008 Ecu but get Error while writting.
Only the Flash makes Problems. I used Ktag 2.25

Any Ideas?

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