by zok » Tue May 28, 2013 9:46 pm
damn, I wrote a very long reply, but accidently closed the tab in mozilla. :eh:
You can do a test: attach a probe lamp to your N75 valve, and try 3 different settings in this map where idling should be (the higest part of the map): 0, 50 and 100%: at 0%, the light should be off, change the map to 50%, the light should blink pretty fast (50% of time on, 50% off) or even glow slightly if the PWM frequency is too high, and at 100% it should light up at full power. Or it could be the opposite way: on at 0 and off at 100%.
If you own an oscilloscope, then you should try with it (and then you know exactly what I mean), and if it is a digital one with a memory function, then everything is even easier. :)
I think your bih has 0 for 0% and 255 for 100%.
But be careful - EDC15 for VAG VGT turbines has opposite data for N75 valve than EDC15 for renault, and because we don't know how is at your case, the best way to find out is to make the whole map 255 for the first try, 127 for the second and 0 for the third shot. That way, you can find out what is what, and even find out which axis is RPM, which is IQ and what is the duty cycle logic. :thumbup: