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Postby Ganimir » Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:30 pm

Folks i need you opinio which is the right wy ato do LC on alfa edc16c8 they are few different variant in my head
1.To mess with the Gear torque limiters. Whcih i don't think is right the this will limited `1st gear all the way only to 3000rpm i don't want this. 1st gear=1CE5F6
2.To mees with the DW map "1C1674" i think the first one will work if i cut the NM in the area which i want :)

3.i didn't find the LC map which is presented Km/h based on RP/M in this file

4. Also i'm thinking if i made some changes in the Gear ratio values but this will just lie the ecu i think :crazy: the start point of them is at 1CE542

I will aprreciated any of your advice and opinion, what's the the correct way for making LC in this ecu :)
WinOLS (Alfa 147 (Original) - 386729).rar
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Re: EDC16C8 LC

Postby D.Tuning » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:48 pm

Mate this is not file from edc16c8 its from edc16c39 :)
Its modified file but if u want i can make u good file 190hp and 400nm torque

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Re: EDC16C8 LC

Postby Ganimir » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:56 pm

I now that the file is not original one, the car is with some unknown stage 1 from unknown tunner with dpf off... i was wondering only in the LC
Thanks anyway for your stage 1 file but i don't need it :)
in my backgraund i have few alfa with FMIC/Hybrid turbos and etc which are running pretty good for almost a year :) if you have any experience with the LC i will be glad to hear your opinion

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Re: EDC16C8 LC

Postby D.Tuning » Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:03 pm

I have edc16c8 file with launch control if u want i can share expirience with it but on c39 i never tried to make it
i also have alfa and i mostly tuning alfa diesel car :) if u need some help pm

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Re: EDC16C8 LC

Postby Ganimir » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:57 am

Finally i made it i played with the gear ration values 1st gear to >Neutral> second to first and etc. Now i'm struggling with how to make some nice pops and bangs in the 3000rpm when the launch is activated (i know that engine has inerttion and of course the fuel cut in 5000rpm and in 3000rpm this one in 50000 it will be way more loud :) ). i tired to do it with the GEAR TQR LIMITED only in first gear bit something weird is happening the car sometimes it has pops and bangs sometimes it doesn't most of the times it doesen't. any suggestions ? :think:

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