franz727272 wrote:EDIT
What does it mean? How to loock lambda?
On HDS now, with EGR colosed, I have always Maf (per one stroke) > target Maf. So should be shut.
On oem with open egr Maf (per one stroke) follow nearly target maf value.
If I want my current targhet maf follow the new values how must I do?
I want to say first define a target then chase that target.
Now with egr closed chasing the target is the opposite,target maf track maf per one stroke
I mean if requested EGR MAF is greater than actual MAF...lambda will be tied to actual MAF.
if requested EGR MAF is lower than actual MAF..lambda will be tied to requested EGR MAF.
Whichever has the lowest MAF will control lambda.
Requested EGR will always lower the actual MAF....but you need to calibrate the EGR duty tables to make sure 250mg requested MAF = 250mg actual MAF