Hi Moonwalk,
I didn't have the time to check the mappings and was simply anwsering on your questions.
Because you didn't get a lot of help from the forum and I greatly appreciated the help i was given here i will look at your latest mod and your ori file
Now i did look at the mapping and no offence, but unless i misinterprate some maps, your way off.
I don't have damos for this car, but from what i could notice you need to do some more studying.
Also I'm no pro tuner, and if i'm wrong, someone please correct me, but these are my findings.
First of all, Kudos for your effort. It shows that you are willing to do the work yourself and are willing to learn.
I wouldn't have flashed an unsure map to my car, but that's me.
Also, here i think we can again conlude that JTDm engines are very good!!!
I would recommend this link where you can find the necessairy information for your ECU:
https://www.ecuconnections.com/forum/vi ... ing+guidesI would really like to know where you got your information to go modify some maps like that.
Lambda map:
You raised your lambda from 2500 up to the Red from 1,08 to 0,896. That is really rich.
I doubt that you are smokefree
Diesel stoïchiometric value is 14,5. But meanwhile we know this is to rich for a diesel.
So the AFR of a diesel should be between 1.1 (15,9/1) and 1.2 (17.4) under full load.
You can go richer, but this will increase EGT, and turbo pressure.
Looking at the EGR maps i doubt that your EGR is disabled. Did you check this with multiecuscan?
If your EGR is disabled it should not open more than 4%.
You modify your driver wish maps to up to 550NM, but you at the max torque limiter you leave a maximum value of 500NM.
I'm not sure, but i think made a mistake on 0E8AC6.
I think this is the IQ limitation.
You set 100mm3 from 500rpm up to 5000
I don't recommend it, but i don't think this is a mistake, if i look how pro tuners modify this map.
Start of Injection...
how did you calculate your SOI?!?
You go from from 70mm3 to 90 mm3 and advance your timing from and leave some values stock in low rpm and then go increase between 28,4% and 5,2 %.
Ok, you increase your injection also about 28,5% percent. But here the SOI is also calculated from the energising time.
You cannot just go modify this value with 28% because you increase your mm3 from 28%
I run rich and i don't have so much timing advance. You don't feel that the enigine is shacking more and making more noise than previously?
I think this could explain your bad turbo spool in the low rpm's.
Most pro tuners don't tuch this map in a stage 1 tuning.
Energising time:
Again... please explain to me how you got those numbers?
You change the x-axis of your map.
so instead of 10, 15, 20,30, 40, 50, 60, 70 & 80mm3
you set 9,5, 14, 19, 28,38, 48, 57, 68 & 102mm3
But in the first columns where you chaned the axis, you don't change the values.
So you tell your ecu that he needs to take as long to inject 57mm3 at 1600 bar as previously he needed to inject 60mm3.
You cannot change the axisses with modifying the values of the rows.
The more you inject, the more time you need to inject.
The less you inject at the same pressure, the less time you need.
So I.E.:
In std map, you have 796 microseconds (us) to inject 60mm3 at 1600 bar
To change the axis to 57 you need to know how much time is needed to inject 1mm3.
796/60 = 13,2666
So that means that you need 13,2666 us to inject 1mm3 at 1600 bar.
Now we multiply 13,2666 with 57, because you set 57mm3 in you axis.
13,2666* 57 = 756(,2)
So you need only 756 us to inject 57mm3 and not 796 us.
If you decalibrate this map your average consuption and fuel calculations will be off.
You need to know that, if you increase your fuel pressure by 100% that you will need about 40% less time to inject the same quantity.
So that you should also keep in mind.
I recalculated the energising time with a rail pressure increase of 6% and with the axises you defined. This shoud be it (i'll add it also as separate file for the case the layout is bad on the site):
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 9,5 14 19 28 38 48 57 68 102
5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10000 #DEEL/0! 542,064 680,526 774,798 887,728 965,306 1031,1 1140,102 1250,086 1334,538 1495,586 1542,0837 1814,736 2152,2003 2719,3544 2798,7 2828,16 2798,7 2861,828571 3756,15
20000 #DEEL/0! 382,98 481,18 547,956 627,498 682,49 728,644 806,222 883,8 943,702 1057,614 1090,5601 1283,146667 1521,5599 1922,886933 2404,0833 2828,16 2798,7 2861,828571 3825
25000 #DEEL/0! 341,736 414,404 477,252 533,226 568,578 609,822 679,544 728,644 778,726 865,142 890,9195 1041,181867 1227,6964 1556,2736 1959,09 2384,13888 2798,7 2861,828571 3825
30000 #DEEL/0! 291,654 339,772 403,602 451,72 490,018 522,424 581,344 631,426 676,598 750,248 777,1057 906,4514667 1067,2376 1349,137067 1669,891 2024,01984 2398,4859 2858,0128 3825
40000 #DEEL/0! 250,41 293,618 327,006 368,25 405,566 433,062 474,306 515,55 553,848 614,732 638,1036 737,8093333 861,9996 1062,262133 1307,9258 1544,17536 1783,7048 2084,365143 3077,5389
60000 #DEEL/0! 213,094 256,302 276,924 294,6 309,33 327,006 369,232 404,584 431,098 473,324 490,7054 566,4176 662,359 808,3824 985,1424 1156,71744 1305,1271 1498,644229 2182,32315
800000 #DEEL/0! 203,274 231,752 254,338 267,104 276,924 285,762 311,294 345,664 379,052 416,368 425,4024 487,5957333 566,2703 689,2330667 828,4152 969,11616 1082,164 1232,494171 1782,9192
1000000 #DEEL/0! 200,328 226,842 241,572 252,374 261,212 269,068 284,78 309,33 336,826 383,962 391,818 444,5186667 513,095 621,4096 749,1187 881,4432 985,1424 1123,744686 1626,41295
1200000 #DEEL/0! 199,346 225,86 238,626 247,464 255,32 262,194 276,924 288,708 304,42 343,7 358,2336 406,0242667 469,2487 556,3357333 662,359 769,25952 858,268 977,7914286 1414,8165
1400000 #DEEL/0! 198,364 224,878 235,68 244,518 252,374 259,248 270,05 279,87 291,654 323,078 333,9782 382,1944 440,3288 516,0082667 610,1166 710,81088 793,8979 903,3838857 1305,88815
1500000 #DEEL/0! 191,49 217,022 227,824 235,68 244,518 250,41 261,212 271,032 281,834 312,276 322,7834 369,3629333 425,4024 498,5941333 589,5928 687,24288 766,8438 872,8577143 1262,0664
1594000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 211,13 220,95 228,806 236,662 242,554 253,356 262,194 273,978 302,456 312,5215 358,3645333 413,2747 483,0130667 571,8677 666,50304 743,5213 846,1473143 1223,25285
1595000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 211,13 220,95 228,806 236,662 242,554 253,356 262,194 273,978 302,456 312,5215 358,3645333 412,3418 483,0130667 571,8677 666,50304 743,5213 846,1473143 1223,25285
1596000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 210,148 220,95 228,806 236,662 242,554 253,356 262,194 272,996 302,456 312,5215 358,3645333 412,3418 483,0130667 571,8677 666,50304 743,5213 846,1473143 1223,25285
1597000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 210,148 220,95 228,806 236,662 242,554 253,356 262,194 272,996 302,456 312,5215 358,3645333 412,3418 483,0130667 570,9348 665,56032 742,5884 845,1933714 1223,25285
1598000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 210,148 220,95 228,806 236,662 242,554 253,356 262,194 272,996 302,456 312,5215 358,3645333 412,3418 483,0130667 570,9348 665,56032 742,5884 845,1933714 1222,0008
1599000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 210,148 219,968 228,806 236,662 242,554 252,374 262,194 272,996 302,456 312,5215 357,448 412,3418 482,0965333 570,9348 665,56032 742,5884 845,1933714 1222,0008
1600000 #DEEL/0! 185,598 210,148 219,968 228,806 236,662 241,572 252,374 262,194 272,996 302,456 312,5215 357,448 412,3418 482,0965333 570,9348 665,56032 742,5884 845,1933714 1222,0008
I see in the VGT map, also known as the N75 map that you added between 4 and 20% on the entire map.
I'm no pro tuner, but i would recommend setting this map back to original.
Also you raise some values from 75 op to 83%
First, i'm not sure, but there is a reason that we call this the N75 map, and on of the ressons is (from what I understood) that 75 is the max value that you can define in this map.
The general rule in tuning, is that you don't exceed the values that are the highest in your map. So if 75 is the highest value that is in this map, you don't go over that value. There are exceptions, (like the rail pressure and injection,) but mainly it's a rule i try to uphold).
I would recommend setting this map back to ori and making small changes in this map. Log wit logging software and see what has impact your modification has done.
Higher value = vanes of turbo more closed = more boost.
No wonder you also have overboost (overboost is when your boost is higher than your desired boost).
Your actual boost should always be between 100 and 200 mBar lower than your desired boost.
Else the vnt will have to open and close constantly to reach the desired boost and this will have an impact on performance.
I recommend reading up on VNT a bit more:
https://www.ecuconnections.com/forum/vi ... ng#p288905Also, i see that you changed the boost maps (N75) all the same.
keep in mind that some maps may be for different purposes.
In the damos of my JTDm the first 2 N75 maps are for regeneration. The Thrid is the base value of boost pressure control. The 4th is base value of boost pressure control in transcient recognition during regeneration and the 5th is base value of boost pressure control in transcient recognition. So these are the one that control the vgt and turbo pressure while you change from normal driving to sport or WoT.
So be carefull with these maps. If you think you have a bit of lag when changing between part and full trhottle you can change this, else i wouldn't touch them, you are too likely to create overboost when changing state of pedal position.
Boost request:
0F76D6: This is the map to determine base value of desired boost pressure:
Here you increase your boost request from 2260mBar at 3500 up to 3200 mBar.
I have a hybrid turbo wich can hold more boost, but even my turbo can't handle all that boost.
it's not because you change your axis from 70mm3 to 85mm3 that you can increase that boost so much.
In the forum they told you to raise it to max 2600 mBar, wich is ok for this turbo...
In your Max Allowed desired boost pressore acording to air pressure you even set the max allowed boost to up to 3450 mBar.
Iff you didn't kill the turbo yet, i would suspect that he will not have liked this.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think 0F8EBC is the max rail pressure.
Here you increase your values up to 13,3 percent from 0 rpm up to 2500 rpm.
That is from what i taught a bit much...
in the further maps of rail pressure 0FB43C I see you raied the pressure up to 22,2% where you changed the axis from 70mm3 to 90mm3. Again that is in my opinion much. I inject 102mm3 and i don't have that much rail pressure increase.
0FBCA6: maximum rail pressure setpoint value, dependent on engine speed and fuel temperature
Again very high increments....
From 17,9 up to 31,3 % increase...
Very high increments...
My increment in percentage in this folder is:
1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
And some have told me this is already much...
For 0FBD64 you increase about the same. Again to much...
These are my increments in percentage:
250 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 5000
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
6,0 6,0 6,0 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 7,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
And again, people have told me that this is much.
I strongly recommend that you do some logging of your car. This will give you a better understanding of whats going on.
I will add some screenshot in a zip file because it's a pain to upload several pictures separatly here...
I hope i haven't been rude with my comments and hope al this information can help you.
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