Hello friends!
I present to you my project.
The car is Mitsubishi Space Star, 2004 year, 1.9 liter F9Q1 engine (Renault diesel), manual transmission, 102 HP, ECU is EDC15C3.
1. DW – increased by 7% from 50% pedal in all rpm range;
2. Smoke map – calculated to give AFR 17,3-17,5;
3. Torque limiter is set to 58,20 mm3 max at 3000 rpm and it is below figers in Smoke map;
4. Turbo maps untouched;
5. EGR is off by switch and DTC for it are disabled;
6. SOI where the EGR operated before switching off are increased by +1* from 5 mm^3 to 18 mm^3 where is the EGR map dip;
7. Rail pressure is increased to 1400 Bar at high rpm – from above 2700 rpm and 30 mm^3 of fuel;
8. CR valve duty cycle is extrapolated to achieve 1400 Bar;
9. SVRL is set to 1400 Bar;
10. RP limiter map is set to 1400 Bar too;
The car has a little smoke from 3000 to 3500 rpm. Is that normal as I use AFR above 17,3 in smoke map? For the calculations of AFR I used fuel density 0,85 mg diesel/mm^3.
Ori file -
Modified file -
Map pack -
I attached ori file, modified file and map pack for easy comparison.
Please feel free to comment!