I'm not going to lie, I'm new to this.. I've been testing with ECM Titanium and would like to also learn WinOLS, but I find looking for the maps and knowing what your looking for is really hard. I understand this comes with years but is their a good guide of such that helps show "what" certain maps look like. I've been searching for a while now and have just found this site, so I'm reading as much information that I can soak up.
Right now I'm presently using ECM Titanium and a KessV2, I've downloaded WinOLS with loads of damos files, just I've never looked at views with hex and I'm not that great with 2D being I have nothing much to compare with.
My test mule is a 2005 E46 325xi MS43. I've tried using some comparisons to use WinOLS, just all I could find are Bosch maps which don't seem to match the same x/y axis definitions Siemens uses...does anyone have a normal level 1 tune for MS43 that I can use to compare and test with..if thiers a defintion explained as to "why" such values were done would be grea..Hehe, think I could only pray for that one!!
I'm really just putting in the hours to learn this just like anyone else, so if anyone can give any help..website,guides, pdf's..etc that you could recommend, that would be most helpful!!
Thank you!