I'm trying to alocate the basic (common) maps on that ECU, but I still can't find some of them that I need.
Can someone try to help me a bit please. I'm looking for:
Air Mass Flow
Smoke Limiter
Already found alot of maps, but I need some help with the rest.
- Code: Select all
Address Name Size
$40104 drivers wish 8x8
$E04E8 drivers wish 8x8
$5ECF2 smoke map? 12x12
$40D54 EGR? 16x12
$580A8 Rail pressure ? 16x16
$68A28 Duration ? 20x20
$69EE0 Duration ? 20x20
$68D9C Duration ? 20x20
$4F580 Duration ? 20x20
$4F8F4 Duration ? 20x20
$4FC68 Duration ? 20x20
$4FFDC Duration ? 20x20
$50350 Duration ? 20x20
$506C4 Duration ? 20x20
$50A38 Duration ? 20x20
$50DAC Duration ? 20x20
$51120 Duration ? 20x20
$51494 Duration ? 20x20
$51808 Duration ? 20x20
$51B7C Duration ? 20x20
$69110 Duration ? 20x20
$69484 Duration ? 20x20
$697F8 Duration ? 20x20
$69B6C Duration ? 20x20
$6A254 Duration ? 20x20
$6A5C8 Duration ? 20x20
$6A93C Duration ? 20x20
$6ACB0 Duration ? 20x20
$6B024 Duration ? 20x20
$4A168 SOI 1 16x16
$4A3AC SOI 2 16x16
$4A5F0 SOI 3 16x16
$4ACBC SOI 4 16x16
$63610 SOI 1 16x16
$63854 SOI 2 16x16
$63A98 SOI 3 16x16
$64164 SOI 4 16x16
$EA54C SOI 1 16x16
$EA790 SOI 2 16x16
$EA9D4 SOI 3 16x16
$EB0A0 SOI 4 16x16
$EF964 Duration ? 20x20
$EFCD8 Duration ? 20x20
$F004C Duration ? 20x20
$F03C0 Duration ? 20x20
$F0734 Duration ? 20x20
$F0AA8 Duration ? 20x20
$F0E1C Duration ? 20x20
$F1190 Duration ? 20x20
$F1504 Duration ? 20x20
$F1878 Duration ? 20x20
$F1BEC Duration ? 20x20
$F1F60 Duration ? 20x20
$E645E Nm/IQ Conversion ? 16x16
$F5782 TQ Limiter ? 16x8
$F5986 TQ Limiter ? 16x10
$4607A Nm/IQ Conversion ? 16x16
$5539E TQ Limiter ? 16x8
$555A2 TQ Limiter ? 16x10
$5A1FC EGR? 16x12
$E1138 EGR? 16x12
$5F522 Nm/IQ Conversion ? 16x16
$6E846 TQ Limiter ? 16x8
$6EA4A TQ Limiter ? 16x10
$71550 Rail pressure ? 16x16
$E5C2E smoke map? 12x12
$4584A smoke map? 12x12
$595AC drivers wish 8x8
$5505A Boost (regeneration) ? 16x16
$6E502 Boost (regeneration) ? 16x16
$F543E Boost (regeneration) ? 16x16
$F848C Rail pressure ? 16x16
$F8CA8 Rail pressure ? 16x16
$57822 Rail pressure limiter ? 12x6
$70CCA Rail pressure limiter ? 12x6
$F7C06 Rail pressure limiter ? 12x6
$71D6C Rail pressure ? 16x16
$588C4 Rail pressure ? 16x16
Posting the OLS ORI with Mappack inside.
Thanks in advance!