@ecuedit, I don't really understand... I've been to VSTuning today, did a power measurement, and was quite disappointed...
Temp was 22,3°C, ATM 1000 mBar, RelHum 22% and correction factor 1,017.
in your case, Temp 22,3°C, ATM 987 mBar, RelHum 20% and correction factor 1,005.
That's all that is taken into account for correction factor - and some approximate factor for converting wheel power to engine power, I guess?
...I have Tomason TN4 18" with chinese 225-40-18 tires - very heavy rims with a lot of inertia (the measurement takes only a little more than 5 seconds - from 70 to 210 km/h), LOTS!!! of rolling resistance... That's not taken into account, if I am correct?
Is that measurment accurate at all? :| Is that particular dyno accurate?
It said 186 HP @ 4429 rpm, 408 Nm @ 2818 rpm - i expected at least 10% more of both. :roll:
Will do next measurement with winter setup. And a bit modded SOI, N75 and PID. :thumbdown: :evil: