Can someone please help me check if these maps are correct, and if their is missing any other important for a remap.
Or just the remap files location are correct is a humongous help.
Their are some that I don´t have a clue of what they are.
This is my first time looking for maps.
Thanks in advance,
$1C2464 EGR 16x16
$1C26A8 EGR 16x16
$1C177E Drivers Torque Map 16x16
$1C2E86 Fase of Injection 16x16
$1D2830 I.Q. Limiter 16x16
$1E72E6 Turbocharger Pressure Limiter 8x16
$1E70B2 Turbocharger Pressure0 16x16
$1E74F6 SVBL 1x1
$1E7EC4 Turbocharger Pressure1 16x16
$1E8108 Turbocharger Pressure2 16x16
$1EEC6E Rail Pressue 8x12
$1EED72 Rail Pressure Limiter 16x16
$1EEC34 SVRL 1x1
$1EF0D6 Rail Pressure Limiter f(RPM,Q_FUEL) 8x16
$1EF32C Rail Pressure?? 16x16
$1C3AD4 Torque Request 16x16
$1C3D18 Torque?? 16x16
$1C4908 Torque?? 16x8
$1CB3D8 Temp/Temp??? 10x10
$1CB4D0 Torque ?? 8x8
$1CD954 Friction to Torque Map 16x16
$1CF524 Smoke Limitation for Lambda Reading 16x16
$1CF768 Smoke Limitation for Lambda Reading 16x16
$1CF9AC Smoke Limitation for Lambda Reading 16x16
$1CFBF0 Smoke Limitation for Lambda Reading 16x16
$1D06CA NM to IQ0 16x16
$1D090E NM to IQ1 16x16
$1D0B52 NM to IQ2 16x16
$1D6534 Start of Injection map1 16x16
$1D6778 Start of Injection map2 16x16
$1E2010 Dont Know 16x16
$1E34A6 Injection Time 20x16
$1E40CC Rail Pressure/Temp 8x16
$1E5584 Air Flow Limite? 8x11
$1E6230 Turbo Pressure Overboost 16x16
$1EE12E Torque Limite/Air Flow 10x10
$1EE5B6 Fuel Pressure Correction Table 16x16
$1F0A34 F.Q. for Start Up 10x9
$1D62F0 Start of Injection map0 16x16
$1D60AC Temp/Temp choice of SOI map 16x16
$1E6966 Torque IQ 16x16
$1C1E00 Substitute value for air mass flow based on engine speed and fuel quantity. 16x16
$1CBBC0 overall efficiency turbocharger 8x8
$1CF088 map to determine the lambda value of full load 10x16
$1CF2E0 Smoke Limitation for Lambda Reading 16x16
$1ECBB4 inverted map of driver's behaviour for conventional powertrain managment 16x16
$1E8AF4 map to determine base value of boost pressure control 16x16
$1E6722 Torque IQ 16x16
$1CB6B6 air mass determination map (for temperature correction) 8x8