when I passed by a dumpster at work, I saw a nice suitcase which looked fine on the outside.
As I looked closer I found out it was a flexoscope suitcase.
The flexoscope inside was broken, which is why it was in the dumpster, but the suitcase barely had any marks on it and it would have been a shame to let it go to waste.
So I took it home, thinking I could make some good use out of it :D
I always hated my cables just lying about in the car or the garage, and sure enough, I could have stuffed them in a box and be done with it, but they could get damaged or tangled like that...
At work we often use very large foam boards in a variety of thicknesses and use them in our toolboxes to make cutouts.
So I got some of that foam and a couple of hours of cutting and glueing later, it looked like this ;)
Still plenty of room left for some new stuff that's on the way as we speak :D
Queue Mackey voice; "don't use clone tools... clone tools are bad... MKay?..." :lol: