Summer Vs Winter Diesel

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Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby capske » Fri May 21, 2021 7:09 pm

Hi guys,

After having to modify my mapping due to vibrations and valve knock when it was really cold, i noow noticed that performance reduced and i had to go a couple of steps back.
None the lesse the weather has been stable for a while the only difference is that i just filled up a new tank, and immediately i noticed the difference.
So for me it's that the petrol station has switched from winter to summer quality.

What's your opinion on this?

Have a good one and keep it safe!

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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby jurebv » Fri May 21, 2021 9:23 pm

also temperature affects air density which affects amount of air inside cylinder

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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby alex_sk » Fri May 21, 2021 9:35 pm

Our national fuel manufacturer has published the parameters of summer and winter diesel fuel on its website.
Only these differ:
Cetane number, not less:
summer 51
winter 48
summer 820-845
winter 800-840
summer 2000-4500
winter 1500-4000
All other parameters are the same.

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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby capske » Tue May 25, 2021 7:10 pm

Hi Alex, Hi Jurebv,

Thanks for your reply.

I understand that the temperature changes the density and therefore the ignition timing and delay.

In this case I filled up the tank started the car drove a bit, restarted the car and immediately noticed the difference.
So in this case I'm sure it's not air temperature.

So from the numbers, what do I need to understand from this for timing? Higher cetane numbers need more temperature and pressure before it ignites, so this should retard the timing.
Am I correct?

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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby jurebv » Tue May 25, 2021 7:24 pm

topic name is diesel and you mention timing? there's no knock retard like in petrol nor timing, i dont think fuel is your problem , most likely some mechanical issue

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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby capske » Wed May 26, 2021 11:16 pm

No offense Jurebv but diesel is pure knock. That's the typical noise of a diesel engine.
You don't have the ignition that happens due to a physical ignition via a spark plug, but because of autoignition due to heat released by the compression of the air.

You do have an ignition delay after SOI and have to take timing into account witch is set by SOI and pulse with.


IE if you raise your railpressure over the entire range you shorten your pulse everywhere where you didn't raise your IQ and therefore you technically advance your timing.
I run on shell vpower diesel that already has an higher octane than regular diesel.
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Re: Summer Vs Winter Diesel

Postby jurebv » Thu May 27, 2021 12:28 pm

your diesel quality would have to be really really bad to have that kind of knock,which is basically not knock but missfire, if you raise your rail pressure and extrapolate your duration of injector it would not affect EOI, advancing SOI too much would have EOI before TDC which would result in negative torque

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