Time to start changing stuff! but...

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Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby rlees85 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:56 pm

... where to start?!

I've been reading a LOT on the internet, and there is a lot of contradicting stuff out there.

First the changes I have made:
- Airdoser OFF
- FAP Injection Duration map zeroed out.
- FAP SOI map zeroed out (PLEASE let me know if this is dangerous! not tested yet!)

Now I am fairly confident most of my anti-emissions are disabled, now onto a tune :?

I don't want 250BHP straight from the word go. I want first to make a very small improvement to the car, an extra 5 BHP would be nice, just a baby step first.

So I been looking on the internet, about which maps limit IQ (an article by pro_steve from pug306.net, very useful, but lost link :(). These maps are:

Smoke Limiter
Fuel Temperature
Drivers Wish
Torque Limiter

In the article I read, the torque limiter normally has the lowest limiting value of any of the above maps. So I thought this is the best place to start. A tiny increase to the torque limiter, without the limiting IQ going over any of that in the other listed maps. Turns out in the 406 2.2 HDI, the torque limiter already allows upto 74.30 @ 2000 RPM. Now this has thrown a spanner in the works because....!

The Injector Duration/Calibration maps have values for IQ 70, then a jump all the way to 140! SO my educated guess is that using IQ values of (say) upto 80 in other maps could produce erratic results, as the ECU isnt too sure how to precisely make IQ 80. SO the Injector Calibration maps could use a tweak to include a precise value of the IQ I would like to achieve, but I been told this is a bad idea! It is very hard to calculate injector timings and getting it wrong gives a wrong IQ (different to what the ECU thinks it is)...

So how to (safely) proceed?

Is it a case of increasing the limiting maps (above) slightly, or does the Injector Duration/Calibration map require adjustment first? I am also aware that after any increases in IQ the SOI map will want looking at.

I know the aim of the game isnt to tell me what to do, but a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated. Also any responses to the zeroing of the FAP SOI map would be appreciated too.

Sorry for the essay. Its a massively complicated subject and very hard to communicate it by text!

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby ecuedit » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:46 pm

I would suggest you to check your hardware specification first to know how does it work
and to know every element that is controlled by ecu:

You have to do some calculations first, calculate how much air car can get,
based on that you decide how much fuel will you inject (you will have to decide about lambda),
based on that you will calculate some pressures and injeciton timings,
based on that you will calculate soi and so on...it is qute a project if you want to get really proper tune.

Calculate the lambda you want to drive,
You can drive turbo at 1.4bar boost max (look at the Garrett picture (1.4bar boost at 180bhp),
Read about Injection system - pdf is attached on link above,
about EDC15 - how does it limit / request - look at the picture attached.

You can find maps you need there:

It is hard to answer you, please do precise questions, step by step
to get precise answers ;) It is not so simple to give all answers in one post.
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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby rlees85 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:02 pm

Thanks for your reply. Again the information is very useful to me :)

I will spend some time in researching the cars limitations and also calculations between each maps (I already have the SOI spreadsheet on this forum, thanks!).

My first direct questions are:
1 - Will zeroing the FAP SOI map have any known negative affects?
2 - (more interestingly) Can a reasonable power tune be attained by not touching the injection duration map at all? (if i had to answer this myself, i'd say yes).

There is a lot to learn, very interesting though.

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby rlees85 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:20 pm

In answer to myself:

1 - I'll post back here when I've tried it. Only one way to find out huh?!
2 - After looking at somebody elses work, I think injection duration should be left alone.

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby Alex.T » Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:52 pm

Injection Duration is a calibration map.
It tells you how much time the injector has to stay open to provide desired IQ at current rail pressure.
If you look at the map, you'll see IQ against Rail Pressure ==> Injecion Duration.

This map should be changed ONLY if you change your injectors.
Bad tuners tend to increase injection duration because it's easier this way, without increasing IQ in all maps.
But this is a very bad idea because this way the ECU doesn't know the actual IQ.
Not even the tuner knows.... that says everything...

EDC15 is based on IQ. You request an IQ of X mm3, it gets limited to Y mm3.
Then Y is injected at a certain angle BTDC (given by SOI map based on requested IQ) and injectors stay open a given amount of time based on Injection Duration map.
If you mess with injection duration because you think that will raise IQ, you're wrong.
You will infact get more fuel, but more fuel should come earlier BTDC, which won't happen because ECU thinks you're injecting Y, instead of Y+Z, where Z is the extra fuel due to more injection duration.

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby ecuedit » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:03 pm

and this will be intentioned suggestion like my all other posts, if you try it you will know what i am talking about.
Will try to give as much as possible answers, please do exact questions, it takes not so much time for me to answer.

The only way to learn proper is to do it practically, theory has to be,
but you have to try it by yourself on the cars for "hundreds" of times to get a feeling how to use mathematics, for each map for each change - if you decide to do extreme and fine tunes.
If you are satisfied with some little noticeable changes than you do not have to go further, but you have to know why you did every change.

It really takes A LOT of time. Only reading does not give you proper knowledge.

I would do It again if I were there:
Sit in your car, flash it, try it, diag it, change, do it again and so on, until your galletto dies - joke,
every car is different. Depends what you want to achieve.

Do not worry for a chip:
"With the 12.0V VPP supply, the 28F512
performs 100,000 erase and program cycles well within the time limits of the Quick-Pulse Programming and
Quick-Erase algorithms."

By the way i see some polemic around about jump in Injection duration to 140IQ - think logically. ECU uses that column for cold start.

About looking another work, it depends who's work. ID map calibrates till 70IQ in your case,
if you like your ecu calculate proprely, wouldn't it be good to help him a bit with removing other column and making room for 80IQ... ;)
ALEX is right about increasing values in ID map, but you should have another column for larger IQs.

Ecu uses last known value if it goes over axis, so your injection duration time will stop at iq70 an you would like to inject iq80 in same time...do you think you can get so much rail pressure,
to do it in same time, and would you really like to do that...

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby Relic » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:45 pm

Alex.T wrote:This map should be changed ONLY if you change your injectors.
Bad tuners tend to increase injection duration because it's easier this way, without increasing IQ in all maps.
But this is a very bad idea because this way the ECU doesn't know the actual IQ.
Not even the tuner knows.... that says everything...

I wonder if there are good tuners in UK :roll: :lol:

I have purchased 3 remaps that all smoked.
So I studied and hacked them.
All of them just up the boost,duration, rail pressure and soi without ever touching the IQ columns.
Hence why I am here on this site ;)
Perhaps the lambda table will work if done properly.

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Re: Time to start changing stuff! but...

Postby ecuedit » Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:13 pm


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