Lazy cranking

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Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:52 pm

My 2.0 HDi is very lazy when starting.
It doesn't matter if the engine is cold or warm.
I always hear 3 or 4 revolutions before it starts..
That doesn't seem normal to me :?
Are there any known cranking maps in EDC15C2 ?
Any suggestion is very very much appreciated :!:

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby ecuedit » Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:27 pm

Of course it is. Look for water temperature vs rpm map.

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:41 pm

Thanks, I'll look for that and post my findings.

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby ecuedit » Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:42 pm

Help yourself with water temperature marker. EDC15 has will find it in minutes.

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:22 pm

temperature marker like in IQ Limiter 1 and 2 ?
I'm not finding anythig else rpm*temp.
Values in map should be IQ?

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby ecuedit » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:29 pm

Before map you have marker and number of columns for X and marker then number of columns Y, not always but in this case you have it. If you find it by yourself and learn how to you will be able to find a lot more maps.

Choose one map you already have with water temperature, go to that address and look into the values, you will recognise where is number of columns and before that is marker, look for marker for water temperature axis and than find another maps with that marker.

This will help you a lot for everything else...

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:30 pm

I already knew this marker stuff... infact I searched for temperature marker like the marker in IQ Limiter 1 and 2, but can't find anything... will search more I guess...

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby ecuedit » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:40 pm

Take it from idle speed. Search in decimal view as decimal 16bit LOHI.
If you knew about marker stuff you will find it for sure.

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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:12 pm

This would be it. Thanks for that marker, didn't know Idle Speed is based on Coolant temp. :)
I set factor 0,01 as IQ in the map.
Any suggestions about how to help the engine start faster? :D
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Re: Lazy cranking

Postby Alex.T » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:56 pm

I am ASTONISHED :shock:
I am compairing my 2.0 RHZ bin with your 2.2 4HX bin.
We have the same markers, maps are in the same place, so it's easy.
I am shocked because:
1) Our cranking maps are somehow different.. I can understand the difference in temperature range, but I can't understand why your map is from 100rpm to 1000rpm and mine is from 600rpm and 1100rpm. :!: :?:
2) Smoke limiter. On 2.0 this map says that below 450rpm there should be zero injection no matter what.. :shock:
On 2.2 the smoke map allows injection even at 0rpm.
WTF :?: :!:

From what I've seen I would say Peugeot engineers were drunk when programming my 2.0 software version 1 037 353 401 :x

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