kwempe wrote:Getting pretty close to something I might be comfortable with. My only immediate issues are that the single value boost limit is a little too close to the boost limit map, if the car has a little boost spike, you might find it going into limp home mode and storing an overboost fault code. I dont think I would raise it much, maybe 50mb? I think I would set the target boost and boost limit map just a tiny bit lower? I'm still a relative newbie but even so called 180bhp maps don't seem to need quite as much boost. Once running, drive it in varying styles of driving and look for smoke, if it smokes too much consider reducing the torque limiter then smoke limit maps a very small amount, if no smoke at all then maybe increase them a small bit. Take not at would sort of RPM and throttle opening the cat smokes at and try knocking single digits off the value around these areas.
Some of the more experienced could possibly off more from this juncture..... :D
Ok cool, I'll do those changes,
What are the big disadvantages with smoke?!
Would you know how to create a Rev limiter like this?