Hi guys,
Our basic idea is to build professional,
quality and good "non selfish" how-to sharing community.
By advising and coaching each other,
almost any user will be able to get the right desired modification of ECU.
We will personally try to answer as much questions as possible and will look forward to see others and our improvements.
History :!:
There has been some speculation in the past and also will be in the future about quantity of shared data and some
people are holding their knowledge for themselves, not realising that they cannot rise as they could by contributing other knowledge and opinion / experiences.
Future :arrow:
Because of that we decided to share years of experiences and detail how-to to the rest of the world.
Conclusion :idea:
We have to be aware that by giving the knowledge we will get new information back as well, but we have to realise as well
that by asking for help it is expected to input some effort into investigating the whole picture by learning.
Immediately goal or solution can be abused without any effort, because of that sometimes direct answers will be avoided.
Crap 8-)
There is a lot of effort put into investigating, calculating, trying, testing, brainstorming.
A lot of insomnia was born because of that :)