Check this out....

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Re: Check this out....

Postby ecuedit » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:11 am

Everything can be done.
There is more rail pressure limiters.

More when i see logs,
Because this is now thinking without any objective information to make a good analyse.

When you do logs post also pictures about map change..

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Re: Check this out....

Postby rlees85 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:02 pm

Finally managed to get some logging done.

Map being used now:
Original map:
Map Pack:

PP2000 Log:

Ambient Temperature: ~25C
Ambient Pressure: 1012 mBar

Points of interest:

01:05 - Logging starts - I let it rev high in 3rd (around 01:50) then settle down to a cruise...

06:30 - Change to 2nd set of parameters - still just cruising.

07:30 - Revving from 2.8k to 3.5k+. Repeated many times. This is on parameters page 2 still. There is a noticeable misfire(drop in power) at 3,200 RPM that goes away (and the power comes back on) at 3,500 RPM. This happened every time.

08:10 - Still revving from 2.8k to 3.5k+. Still same power drop at 3,200 RPM with power return at 3,500. Now on parameters page 1.

08:50 to 10:10 - Driven very hard at full load at high speed.

Which resulted in this (oil temp)...

It was even on the second line at some point. Hope that is normal for oil to get so hot after a good spanking.

10:10 onwards: I forgot this was logging. All the time I am cruising along. Fuel temp 53 (reduces to 47). Inlet Air Temp 27.

Disclaimer: If your smart enough to work out my speed from these parameters, please know this was all logged on private property. Thanks

Any comments on possible issues that could be causing a misfire around 3,200 RPM would be very much appreciated along with any other observations about the logged data. Cheers guys! :)
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Re: Check this out....

Postby OdinEidolon » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:12 pm

Not impossible for the oil temp to go that high. It may be caused by several factors but as long as it stays in the black zone and the water temperature is spot on 90-95°C you are fine.

The first thing one notices it that you have two injectors needing attention - number 1 and number 4. Especially number one. Injector corrections are too high. You need to clean them. That may well be (but my not) the cause for your misfiring, injector sticking at a given frequency.

LOL at 4000RPMs in 5th gear 8-)

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Re: Check this out....

Postby ecuedit » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:03 pm

I have checked your both files, mappack (i havent checked your mappack, just changed things) and video log.
Oil temp is normal for that engine, it can go little bit over first line before red line.

I noticed some irritating rail differences at cruise (even 70bar...), does your car idles up and down
when it is cold sometimes?

As I can it is normal you have lack of power when you did not increased torque limiter,
there is more pressure and you feel it a little bit, but when you reach 3000rpm you get
less fuel because it is limited in TL and there is larger drop.

Normally at 3200 you get full rail and this car has to go crazy at that rpm.
Also turbo pressure goes down with larger rev and so on.

You have to look it as complete picture,
only increasing rail - i do not see a point.

Does your SVIRL works as it has to work - check it.

About your modification.

1. Your SVRPL limiters are too close to your desired pressure put it higher for 20bars
2. Rail increase is just to low...
3. Did you make copy paste to xls and than back because your rail map is a bit clumsy?
4. You have to modify rail axis in injection duration 1400bar is to close to your desired pressure, if you see
before that you had 1350bar and axis was at 1400bar, now you increase it to 1450 or 1470...

Also injector 1 has to be checked.
Try to increase TL and you will se what happens...
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Re: Check this out....

Postby rlees85 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:01 pm


Thanks for your post... I can tell you put a lot of time in writing that.

The rail pressure difference: What would cause this problem? Possibly the rail pressure sensor or regulator, or likely to be a result of the problems I am having with Injector 1? In answer to your question, the idle at cold is always spot on. Doesn't move.

"You have to look it as complete picture, only increasing rail - i do not see a point." I agree. The map was just me playing around. I have started again from scratch and have started a bit of a project thread, where I will try to change all of the maps... but that is a long work in progress and at the moment I am still building formulas and tools to help me with it. This car has never ran well since I have brought it although now it is 10000% better than it was, I just wanted some other expert help to iron out any final problems. I guess this topic has become more about troubleshooting than remapping...

Sorry, what is a SVIRL?

Finally thank you for bringing my attention to the torque limiter. I can visibly see the 'dent' in the power curve around that RPM. Maybe I will try a 'quick fix' just to try and make things a little smoother around that RPM for now.

Also I have taken all your other comments about the map on board for the next, proper attempt. Oh and I will start saving up for an injector refurbish :? haha

OdinEidolon wrote:LOL at 4000RPMs in 5th gear 8-)

got a little carried away maybe! first time in a long time i've had some fun in the car!

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Re: Check this out....

Postby ecuedit » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:19 pm


SVIRL - look at the right side of the engine and while running your engine look at that part and with your hand rev it on the throttle vire
and you will see some stick movin up and down...

Look picture...
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Re: Check this out....

Postby OdinEidolon » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:27 pm

You can also look on youtube for "HDi swirl valve movement".

The swirl valve is controlled by a diaphragm which should hold vacuum, as it is vacuum controlled. However it is common for the vacuum circuit on the 4HX to fail and this is very difficult to diagnose (does not put up any error message as the vacuum circuit is not monitored) but can cause all sorts of running problems.

Do you know about that swirl flaps problem on the BMWs? The swirl on the HDi is the same, only the flaps do not detach themselves being ingested by the engine :lol:

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Re: Check this out....

Postby rlees85 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:19 am

ohhh that thing!! yeah its fine! :) i had a lot of vacuum issues - all of which are fixed now

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Re: Check this out....

Postby Relic » Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:09 pm

How badly does disabling the swirl valve effect economy by losing the swirl in the combustion chamber ?
I gather the burn rate wil be slowed down a lot when this is disabled and throw the SOI out ?

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