by juice » Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:13 am
I will tell you my opinions about this map.
1) Maybe a little bit too much fuel in low rpm, you'll have boost creep
2) Start to increase boost for last 2-3 columns for better boost regularization..The increase will be very agressive from 2.3 to 2.6, its better to be more liniar.
3) Why did you close turbo vanes more ? Did you make n75 logs and boost logs to see if the pressure is ok? Maybe you'll have now more spikes and overboost, touch n75 only after logs.
4) For better power you can extend injection duration from 55 mg last column to 60 or 65 and increase that last column values with percentage of extrapolation ~10 13%. Especially touch injection duration 1 2 and 3 blocks there is the potential of the power, you will really feel the difference.
5) Also for better economy and driveability, open n75 vanes in area where EGR was active with 15%, lets say from 0mg to 20mg and 1000 rpm to 3000 rpm, the engine will breath better, because now with egr blocked and turbo vanes still closed, you have backpressure between turbo and exhaust manifold, the gases will pass hard the turbine.