major_bvv wrote:In your post you have only one true thing EGR was invented only for ecological reasons. But EGR works directly FFECTS engine normal work. In addition -the EGR ALSO closes no matter what rpm you are when hitting the full throttle. DID YOU KNOW THAT- OR NOW I'm mega turbo,hyper,giga cool.
Booyaka?zok low/middle torque demands...
When on WOT, EGR is fully closed, and has no inpact on combustion or performance.
It is a heat exchanger, not cooler. It is used to heat up the engine quicker - specially for providing enough heat for the passengers more quickly (same function as electric coolant heaters) and to lower emmissions and fuel consumption after cold start-up. And to make exhaust gasses more dense - to induct more gas mass without using larger engine components. Not every car uses EGR heat exchanger.major_bvv wrote:Why you have EGR COOLER than?
If EGR gasses temperature is the only problem, then why exhaust gasses that pass through the EGR never go through intercooler? They'd been cooled down much more efficiently, and car production would be cheaper with less parts.major_bvv wrote:exhaust gases (250-350 degrees celsius depending on model and engine type) are cooler than the air through the intercooler ( 20-35) ?
major_bvv wrote:Give me science.
- sourceBecause NOx forms primarily when a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is subjected to high temperature, the lower combustion chamber temperatures caused by EGR reduces the amount of NOx the combustion generates (though at some loss of engine efficiency).
another one...
blah blah blah...
Less oxygen - lower temps. Simple as that.