by defender2015 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:53 pm
Hello. I may be a bit off topic here, and I'm also a bit noob on tuning yet, but I know control engineering since this is my background. Isn't it possible to change the PID controller gains (Kp, Kd, Ki) to fine tune it a bit in order for you to get a faster/less overshoot response?
I don't really know if one has access to this info in the .bin file, at least if is not a full read, but I built a controller some time ago to control my new VNT turbo (with electric actuator) and one of the things that would influence really hard the response would be to change the proportional and derivative gains on my PID (not so much the integral gain)...
Also, does anyone know for sure what kind of boost control strategy this cars have? I mean, we always have a setpoint boost (desired boost) map and the N75 map, which is a bit contradictory because if you set the "position" of the vanes by "forcing" some N75 %, then you shouldn't be able to do "close loop" control to achieve the desired boost. So somehow the ECU must decide when to change from "open loop" to "close loop" (PID) control right? I'm sorry if this is covered elsewhere, I can't seem to find it, at least yet!