by DavidRUCABITS » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:48 pm
Hi mate, i used to have the same question, someone help me so i will return the help :D
So your ECU choose the IQ that will use on this way;
First - Drivers Wish - This refers the IQ to the throttle % that you are using.
Second - Smoke limiter - Your question is here, there is two types of Smoke limiters;
1 - IQ by MAF - This map relates the amount of air that you have (Air Flow) with Rpm and gives a IQ value (lower that Drivers Wish)
2 - IQ by MAP - This map relates the boost you request with Rpm and gives a IQ value (also lower that DW)
The ECU only uses one of those and is possible to you to choose between one or another. The ECU use the one you choose in a map that is called MAF/MAP switch, if you use edcsuite you will find it easily, is a map with just one value, this value refers the map you choose to use. It should be 0 if you want to use IQ by MAF or it should be 257 if you want to use IQ by MAP.
After you switch for the type of smoke limiter that you want to use, you can blank the other MAP.
For example: You put 257 on the switch, ECU will use IQ by MAP, now you put the max value of IQ on every single cell of IQ by MAF.
EDCSuite also shows a "Smoke Map" on the tuning tag, this Smoke Map is the same os IQ by MAF if you look it probably has the same values at the axis and in the middle.
The third and final Step ECU takes on choosing IQ is looking at Torque limiter map, this should be the map with the lowest IQ of them all.
A correct tune is limited like this: DW -> SL (Smoke limiter by MAF or MAP) and then Torque limiter.
**If you dont want to blank the values on the IQ by MAF smoke limiter dont do it, ECU will only use the map you refer on the Switch.
Hope to help, i tried to be as clear as i can by reminding of the questions that i had.