Hi guys, I have a stressfull problem with my VW PASSAT B6 2.0 TDI 2006 SIEMENS PPDX ECU cannot get the car to run because the immobilizer control module is faulty not recognising keys and stopping the engine from running. Had a VW specialist take a look at all wiring and individual parts of immo and he said its the immobilizer module that is faulty. VCDS Scan shows FAULT CODE ''P1570 ENGINE START BLOCKED BY IMMOBILISER'' is there any software that deletes immo from Siemens ppdx ecu and how can it be done? I have the MPPS tuning cable/software to read/write to ecu already. Tried both keys, shutting/opening all doors, reset ecu by touching battery terminals for 20 seconds etc but no luck :( please help cant pay 500 plus pounds to get new immobilizer module and recode keys etc
Plz help thanks in advance :crazy: