BMW E39 530D 184Bhp - Automatic

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BMW E39 530D 184Bhp - Automatic

Postby TDeddy » Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:26 pm

Hi Guys!

I would like to get some information about tuning of a DDE 4.0. I really don't know where should I start it. I searched a lot on forums like maps/limiters addresses but it didn't help because everbody where posted with this ECU it isn't fitted to this car what i have. I would like to get some more power first of all. Everything is stock no HW changed.
Some information:
BMW E39 (2000) 530D 184 BHP
SW: 1037350667
SW ver.: 7785540

What i have found:
71EB0 - EGR (16*12)
721A8 - Inverse Driver Wish (8*12)
74402 - Boost Map (10*16)
78B0E - Driver Wish (8*12)

I don't find any other map, and it's annoying. Could somebody help me?
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Re: BMW E39 530D 184Bhp - Automatic

Postby Siller » Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:20 am

What I would recommend is to update your DDE software to the latest SW number using WinKFP. Then with the newer sw you will find even more tutorials and also with newer engine sw you have also many other benefits.

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Re: BMW E39 530D 184Bhp - Automatic

Postby RPM freak » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:33 pm

Some help from me

Address; Name; Size
7BFB0;"Sw Number";"10x1"
7EC01;"Hw Number";"9x1"
7FEF0;"Sw Number";"10x1"
78B0E;"Drivers Wish 1";"8x12"
79160;"Torque Limiter 1";"19x1"
75A50;"Injection Duration 1";"32x16"
74402;"Boost 1";"10x16"
7457E;"Boost 2";"10x16"
747DC;"Boost Limiter - Atmospheric Pressure";"10x10"
74938;"VNT 1";"10x16"
74AB4;"VNT 2";"10x16"
74EA4;"Rail Pressure";"16x16"
753A4;"Rail Pressure Limiter";"8x16"
75EB8;"Injection Duration 2";"32x16"
78BFE;"Drivers Wish 2";"8x12"
79356;"Smoke Limiter - MAF";"16x16"
7925A;"Full Load IQ Limiter";"9x10"
795A0;"Smoke Limiter - MAP";"16x16"
791B6;"Torque Limiter 2";"19x1"
79206;"Torque Limiter 3";"19x1"
762D2;"SOI Pilot";"16x16"
797BE;"Overheating Protection Factor";"6x6"
76F4E;"SOI 2";"16x16"
76D4E;"SOI 1";"16x16"
73A02;"IQ Limiter - Fuel Temp";"6x6"
77814;"Rail Pressure Limiter - Fuel Temp";"8x8"
778E8;"Max Rail Pressure - RPM vs rail pressure valve";"6x12"
74E8C;"SVRPL - MAX Pressure";"1x1"
76C4E;"SOI - MAX Limiter";"8x16"
78D2C;"Cranking IQ";"10x8"
721A8;"Inverse Drivers Wish";"8x12"
779A4;"Min Rail Pressure - RPM vs rail pressure valve";"12x6"
72531;"Gearbox Type (1:Manual / 2:Auto)";"1x1"
7252F;"Number Of Engine Cylinders (4 / 5 / 6)";"1x1"
71EB0;"EGR - Airflow";"16x12"
724B2;"Torque Limiter";"19x1"

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Re: BMW E39 530D 184Bhp - Automatic

Postby gasgas3.0 » Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:45 am

very useful :clap: . thanks

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