Static Speed Limiter

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Static Speed Limiter

Postby Vertinhol » Wed May 24, 2023 2:57 am

Hello, I got a HEX-V2 from Ross-Tech and I was excited to test it in my Polo 6R 1.2L CGPA, I started to change the adaptations one at a time so I don't accidently mess everything or forget whatever I modified.
After a while, I changed the static speed limiter from 250 kph to 60 kph, I thought it was just a normal option until I realized later that it cannot be increased, and based on what I found on the internet I believe it is impossible to increase the value nor to disable the limiter itself.
Well, after that I went to my local VW dealer to fix my car but they didn't know how to fix it, being very desperate at that point I went to other third party tuners only to find out that they couldn't do a thing about it too, even with professional tools like AUTEL, ALIENTECH and ABRITES.
The only thing left to try is to get a new ECU and flash the binary program of the old one into it but I think by doing that I will have the same issue so the file needs to be modified and I don't think that I will find a person in my country that can achieve that.
At this point I don't know what to do and I can't find any useful information about this issue, is the ECU hardware locked to prevent a value from increasing, is there a sneaky hidden way to get around it, and why is it hard to modify a value inside a memory?
As a mechatronic engineer I programmed so many chips like STM32, ATMega... I have a good idea how microprocessors works but I don't get how it is different from the ECU, if I know the address of that particular value in the chip then I'm able to change it to whatever I want, am I missing a chapter?

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Re: Static Speed Limiter

Postby OHANA » Sun May 28, 2023 12:17 am

Unfortunately you are correct about changing the static speed limiter up again.
The static limiter can only be changed down, if I'm correct your vehicle uses a Simos 9.1 ECU.
I don't know if there is a tool that can read the eprom with Service mode or BDM, so my advice
would be to use a external chip reader to read the eprom. Then use the Rosstech tool again to
change the speed limit to 59km/h and do a read again. This way you will be able to find the
adress of the speed limit and change it back to 250km/h again. There is also a chance that the
speed limit is not in the ecu but in the CPC unit.
I hope that this can help you.

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