by janos666 » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:38 am
It seems like this is indeed a fault of the VAGEDC Suit.
After I disabled the "Auto update checksum" feature in the application settings and I loaded the original file, I saw a popup about wrong checksums. :cry:
I think the original file must have correct checksums (the car works fine with that, after all, but gets immobilized when these checksums get "corrected").
Moreover, VAGEDC Suit tells me about 11 checksums in total, from which 7 are OK, 4 are FAILED, while WinOLS 2.24 identifies only 7 in total (plus a single tag which should not be corrected). So, I guess those additional 4 faulty checksums found by VAGEDC Suit aren't checksums at all!
No wonder it caused trouble when the editor randomly changed some random bites in the image file. :problem:
But going further, WinOLS finds 7 and thinks some of them are incorrect in the original dump.
MPPS and an other checksum corrector tool (a small application I just found on this forum) says I have 5 checksums at total.
So, what is the true number (7 or 5) and which tools I should use to handle them? :crazy: